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soil & water testing


We believe that a strong, healthy soil is the key to strong, healthy turf!

Whether you are responsible for a golf course, lawns, or sports turf you will find great value and guidance in trusting your testing needs to us.  In addition to complete soil testing services, we provide paste extract tests and water testing (spray and irrigation).  These tests include a complete analysis of the medium being tested, an explanation of the strengths and weaknesses, and an easy to follow guide that outlines specific steps to address any identified problems.

Soil and its related nutrition is a complex bio-system that requires close management strategies to maximize its’ health and productivity.  

There are three main components for a strong soil:

  • chemical
  • biological
  • physical 

The first step in managing these three components is to balance the chemical makeup of the soil.  As this is accomplished, you will find that the biological component will flourish and finally the physical aspects will improve.  In order to establish a symbiotic relationship of the three components, you need to identify a starting point.

An excellent testing program is the foundation for sound management decisions that will yield long lasting results that will improve your turf areas and may yield reduced fertilizer and pesticide inputs.
We work closely with Logan Labs of Ohio and Soil First Consulting of Pennsylvania.   Our consultants are trained in the interpretation of the test results and are fully qualified to assist you in understanding the reports.  We are also able to help you formulate a management plan for maximum benefits. 

For more information on how you can peform quick check-ups to determine if your soil pH balances are in the correct range, contact a Walker Supply consultant today about purchasing
a pH meter!